Click to watch Sweet Potato Love
I remember the first time I saw this commercial for sweet potato fries, I roared. But the funny thing is how sensual our relationship can be with food. I have changed the way I look at eating now in this new year. Instead of eating for just the hell of it, I am creating a pièce de résistance each time I cook. Why you might say? Well I say, why not? Cooking for one now gives me the freedom to experiment and play around with new recipes. I am living on the proverbial edge, if you may.
Last night's visit to the grocery store was an exciting one! It was like I was looking at the produce section with new found eyes. The colors and textures were tantalizing my senses - how had I not seen these creatures of beauty before? I walk over to the mangoes and pick one up. I hold it in my hand, bringing the firm flesh to my face, softly caressing it's smooth skin. A shiver of excitement runs down my spine.....I envision my chef's knife sliding easily over it's surface, revealing the vibrant colors that hide beneath the skin. Slicing and dicing the sweet, juicy pieces into perfectly shaped cubes. I imagine how these will feel in my mouth and imagine my tongue running over each piece, fondling them, while my taste buds explode with pleasure..........
***insert needle scratching across record noise*** Back to reality now. ;)
Ok, so you get my drift. But do you see how cooking can be such a wonderful experience? The next time you cook, look at your ingredients with fresh eyes. Take the time to prepare a masterpiece. Undress it with your eyes. As they say on the Food Network, we eat with our eyes first. Savor each beautiful morsel, let your senses take you away to far away places. You will be glad you listened to me!
Omgggg Wandie! You crack me up. But I agree completely though!