But even though those years are gone, the passion still remains deep within me. I am determined not to let my flame be extinguished. I have so much love to give, it lives in my every pore. Surely someday, I will find someone who will love me back the way that I DESERVE to be loved.
So for now until that day arrives, I am harnessing a different type of passion. A passion for re-discovering myself. Embracing what I have been dealt and moving forward. Sometimes to do this, we must re-arrange our lives to be able to see more clearly. I am looking out for myself now, and myself only. It may seem selfish to some people, but if I don't do it, no one else will.
So for those of you who have someone to love and hold on this upcoming Valentine's Day, unleash your passion. Take a good look at the person in your life and appreciate them, because life is too short to not have passion it it.